Annual Meeting 2018 – Highlights

The AAUW Annual Meeting was held on June 21, 2018 at the Town Talk Building in Alexandria.  (Many thanks to Melinda Martinez for obtaining venue!)  The meeting was well attended and a wonderful ‘potluck’ meal was enjoyed by all.  As always, Mrs. Gloria Hearn had the agenda well organized and the meeting flowed well, with her humble manner and gracious praise of others.

The guest speaker was the new Chief of Police of Alexandria, Jarred King.  Mr King gave a positive and interesting speech wherein he explained how his mission was to change the perception of Alexandria from a ‘dangerous’ place to live. He also was gracious enough to answer many questions from the floor.

Next, the new officers were installed by Judge Ray Swent.  The following offices were filled as follows:

  • President:  Rosemary Robertson Smith
  • Vice-President (Program):  Pat Barber
  • Vice-President (Membership): Sandra Purifoy
  • Treasurer:  Melinda Martinez
  • Secretary:  Delia Flynn (Since Ms. Flynn was unable to attend Lyndell Edwards stood in for her during the officer installation.)

Following the officer installation, a memorial moment of silence was held for Doris Wright’s husband, Sue Richmond’s husband, and others.

The majority voted to donate flowers in memory of Bonnie White (a lifetime AAUW member) to her church, Woodlawn Presbyterian.

Mrs. Hearn visited Longview, TX and brought the group greetings from a lifetime member, Betty Connor, who is living in an assisted living facility there.

Annual dues were received by Melinda Martinez and are now due for the following year.